Friday, April 15, 2011

Isaac Smith's Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself

     Rule number 609 If a stranger asks you to do something Don't do it.
     Rule number 27 If someone says haven't you heard it means prepare for something bad.
     Rule number 519 If someone gives you something special or anything make sure to say thank you.
     Rule number 564 Be nice to people especially if it is someone special.
     Rule number 2 Never take in a stray dog unless it has been checked out by veterinarians because it may have a disease.
     Rule number 98 If someone is being mean to you that means be prepared you are in for a long night.
     Rule number 333 If someone says that they are gone that means gone=Dead
     Rule number 600 Do not make fun of anyone bad things will happen

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The solar system

The sun is first the surface of the sun is 10000 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is named after Apollo.  Sunday is named in honer of the sun.  Our sun started out as a ball of gasses and turned into a yellow star.  A sun can live for 10 billion years scientist think our sun is around 4.6 and 4.5 billion years old.   The sun is 74 percent hydrogen 25 percent helium and 1 percent trace.  The sun has sunspots on its surface.  The suns core is 17000 degrees F.  The sun gives off solar flares.
           It can be 800 degrees F on Mercury.  It can be 300- F in the daytime.  One mercury day is 59 earth days.  One year is 88 days.  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.  It is the second smallest planet.  It barley has any atmosphere.
               Venus is the second planet from the sun. It takes 225 days to go around the sun.  Venus days are 243 days long.  Venus has thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide.  Venus has no rings.  Venus is the hottest planet reaching up to 800 degrees F.  Venus is a inner planet.  Venus is the brightest planet.  Most of Venuses land is volcanoes.  Venus is the 4th smallest planet.  Venuses gravity is 0.91.  Venus is named after the roman goddesses Artie.
                Earth has no rings.  Earth has one satellite that is the moon.  Their is 7 continents on Earth North America South America Asia Australia Antarctica. Earth is the only planet to have life that we know of.  Earth is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface that we know of.  Earth is named after Gae.  Earths tallest point is Mt. Everest.
                 Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.  It is named after Ares the God of war.  Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system it raises up to 18 miles high.  Olympus Mons is long enough to reach from Chicago Illinois to LA California.  Mars is nicknamed the red planet because it looks like it is red.  Mars has sand dunes, tornadoes and polar ice caps like Earth.  
                            Asteroid Belt/Ceres  
              The asteroid belt are lots asteroids that travel around the sun.   They are between Mars and Jupiter.  It takes them 5 years to go around the sun.  They are made out of metal and rock.
                Ceres is in the middle of the asteroid belt.  It is now a dwarf planet.  It is the largest asteroid.  It is named after the goddesses of harvest.  
                 It is named after Zeus the king of Olympus.  Jupiter is the largest planet and twice as large as all the planets combined together.  It weighs more than all the planets weight combined.  It is made out of gasses and helium.  The great red spot is a large storm that has been raging for 300 years and three times the size of earth.  Jupiter has two rings.
                 Saturn has over 1000 rings.  It is named after Demeter.  It is about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium.  Saturn's degrees in its core is 12000k.  Saturn is the second largest planet behind Jupiter.  Saturn is tilt on its side.  Saturn has 53 moons. 
                 It is on its side.  It is made out of mostly methane.   It is the seventh planet from the sun.  It is 2.88 km away from the sun.  Its core is cooler than most planet.  A day on Uranus is about 17 h long.  It has 42 years daylight and 42 years of darkness.  It has rings.  It is the second lightest planet in the solar system.  It has 27 moons.
                  It is named after Poseidon the Roman Greek of the seas.  It is the 8th planet from the sun  sometimes.  It is made of mostly methane.  It has winds up to 2000/km.  It has a great dark spot with winds up to 700 miles per hour.  It has rings.  It has 14 rings.
                  It is named after Hades the ruler of the underworld.  Pluto has 3 moons.  It was discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tambaugh.  Pluto has not been visited yet.  It takes 248 years to go around the sun.  We do not no much about Pluto.
                 It is 10 billion miles away from the sun.  It takes 556 years to go around the sun.  It is in the kuiper belt system beyond Neptune.  It was discovered in 2003 and called a dwarf planet in 2006.  It is named after Eris the goddess of war and strike.  Its gasses are little but methane.
                         The Comet Halley Comet
                  It is in the Kuiper belt.  It takes 76 years to go around the sun once.  It was found by Edmond Halley. 
                  And that is the solar system. 
        The End

Friday, April 8, 2011

The masters of jazz

        We have Eddie Freddy Junior playing the fiddle.  We have Carlos Big shot Fredricson playing the trumpet.  Our band has Kevin Sleepy Henderson playing the saxophone.  We have Thomas Bone Cello playing the drums.  Finally we have Kenny Ready Penny playing the piano.     
                              Be there One Night Only in New York City from 6:00 to 10:00 to see the Masters of New Jazz.  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bud Not Buddy Telegram


Friday, March 25, 2011

Prized Posessions

     My number one possession is my book over my great-great-great-great-great grandma and grandpa to my mom and dad.  It is the only book in my family that is about my family.  My dad got it when he was a kid and gave it to me.  Number two is my scrap book.  It has all my memories stored in one book.  It has pictures of my brother Carter as a baby.  My grandma gave it to me when I was 7.  # Three is my baby videos of me.  They show me what I looked like back then.  They showed me what Japan looked like.  I found it when my mom gave it to me for my birthday.  #4 Is my gold necklace.  It has my name on it.  We got it in Japan.  My mom and dad said I could not have it until I graduate from high school.   

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

When I Grow Up...

When I grow up I want to be a paleontologist. Being a paleontologist lets me explore around the world and find dinosaur bones.  You get to go around the world with famous people.  It’s not just dinosaur fossils you look for it’s any kind of fossil.  You can become a famous paleontologist.  Being a paleontologist is a great job.  
When I grow up I want to be a actor.  You get to star in famous movies.  Sometimes you get to star in famous movies.  You might get to meet the president.  Sometimes you get to meet famous people.  Being a actor is a fun job.  
When I grow up I want to be the president.  I would get to live in the white house.  You get to be in charge of the nation.  I would get to meet the other world leaders.  They let you install anything you want.   

Isaac Smith     
March 22, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Bud's letter to the home

     Dear Mrs. Casework 
                    The Amos family does not care about me at all.  They make me sleep in the shed with hornets in the shed.  The only son they care about is that weirdo Todd.  Todd punches me in the face and teats me like a dog.  His mom will believe anything Todd says so he just lies when he gets in trouble so they think he is perfect.  Todd acts really sick so he gets me in trouble and then he turns into a chatter box as soon as he has the chance.  They made me apologize to Todd and hid my suitcase underneath the counter. So I picked up the shotgun and I realized it was to dangerous so I picked up a glass of water and poured a glass of water on him and yup he went on his sheet.  
             Sincerely, Bud

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bud, Not Buddy Prediction

     There might be someone named Bud and people keep calling him Buddy.  Someone might be named Bugs.  They are African Americans.  Some of them might go on a train.   They might be jazz players.  Some of them might be going away.  It takes place in the 1930's.     

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Favorite Animal

     My favorite animal is the Tapir.  They are slow and fat so you can take pictures of them.  There color is  black and white.  They are large.  They are a endangered species.   They are smart and intelligent. They look like a pig.  Tapirs are cool. 

My Favorite Sport

     My favorite sport is football.   I like throwing the ball and kicking it.  It is fun watching the Colts play.  I go outside and play pass with my dad.  It is pretty cool you can tackle people.  Football is a very fun sport.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Chapters 6-9

    Chapter 6
           Byron and Kenny went to the store and got some groceries but didn't pay for them because they were going to pay all at once.  Byron got Swedish cream cookies and started eating them by the tree and ate green apples of the tree.  Byron chucked a Swedish cream cookie at a bird and it nailed it directly on and it died and Byron cried. 
           Chapter 7
            Byron put his hair Mexican style and their mom didn't like it she said wait till your father gets home.  When Byron's dad got home he buzzed Byron's hair all off of his head.  Kenny was making jokes of here is your lost son from Mexico.  They had one of those adult talks with Byron.  They were talking with Byron he was going to grandma Sands house.
                  Chapter 8
                  They started preparing the Brown Bomber.  They bought a present for joey it was a green smelly tree.  They then bought the True Tone AB-700.  They started listening to the music called Yakety yak.
                           Chapter 9
                        There dad was out in the car in the morning listening to the Ultra Guide in the Brown Bomber.  They played Yakety Yak in the Brown Bomber.   Mrs.Davidson gave Joey a angle since they were going to be gone for a while.  They started out to Cincinnati.  They took only one road called I-75 all the way from Flint to Florida 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

John Cabot

    • He was a Italian born English explorer and navigator.
    • He was born in Italy and moved to England in 1495.
    • He sailed off to Canada in 1497.
    • He was born 1450.
    • He was requested to sail to Canada by king Henry VII of England.
    • He sailed on a ship called the Matthew.
    • He landed near Labrador' Newfoundland and Cape Breton Island.
    • He thought there was a seaway connecting North America to Asia.
    • In 1498 he may of reached America this is uncertain of.
    • John Cabot died in 1499 in England. 
   • He was the greatest explorer ever.
   • He is great for discovering Canada.
   • He meant to discover Canada.
   • He is the most famous explorer ever.
   • He is the smartest explorer ever.

Friday, February 25, 2011


   Thank you Mr. Cordes thank for the new 25 Macbook.  That takes a lot of persuasion to get you to buy those Macbooks.  Those old ones were missing buttons and the screen was flickering on the old ones.   So thank you so much!                       Isaac Douglas Smith

Chapters 5

           Chapter 5 Nazi Parachutes Attack America and get Shot Down over the Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and His Flamethrower of Death

   Byron kept lighting matches and there mom was going to do something about it.  Byron said action and started lighting toilet paper that was formed into a parachute and started lighting it on fire.  Byron started crying when there mom started choking Byron.  There mom came in the living room with a snake like voice.  Byron tried to scramble away and then there mom tackled him to the ground. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tony Dungy

     Tony Dungy was a professional football player and retired for the colts in his 7th year coaching for the colts.  He became the first African American coach to win a super bowl.  He was born in Jackson Michigan.  He was born October 6th 1955.  Dungy played quarter back for the university of Minnesota.  He played safety for the Pittsburgh steelers.  Then he played safety for the San Francisco 49ers.  He coached for the university of Minnesota.  Then he coached the steelers.  Then he coached Kansas City Chiefs.  Then he coached the Minnesota Vikings.  Then he coached for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.  Then he coached for the Indianapolis Colts He won over the bears and became the first African American to win a super bowl.  He was actually roommates in collage with the Bears head coach when he played them in the super bowl. He retired from the colts in 2009.    

                                                                  THE END

                                                         By Isaac Douglas Smith

Friday, February 18, 2011

Chapters 1-4

     Chapter 1
                    It was really cold at the Watson's house on Saturday.  Byron was a juvenile delinquent he always caused trouble.  They live in Flint Michigan their mom was from Alabama not from Flint.  They decided to go to there Aunts house she had heat.  Byron was trying to trick Kenny into scraping his ice of his side.  Byron and his friend Buphead were messing around with Kenny by throwing in the snow when they were doing blizzard lessons and were just messing around with him.  Byron 's tongue got stuck to a mirror. 
             Chapter 2
                          Byron was the god of Clark elementary school.  Kenny was alot smarter then Byron.  Kenny went to 5th grade to read to the students.  Byron told Kenny to lean his head sideways so he could look at him strait.  Byron and Buphead decided to skip school and Byron said give my regards to Clark poindexter.  Their was a new kid on the school bus named Rufus and his little brother Cody who came from Arkansas.
                                    Chapter 3
                                                  Rufus had a southern accent.  Rufus told Kenny that the squirrel he saw was a fat dumb squirrel.  Kenny had a friend named LG but he stole hid dinosaur toys.  They decided to have one big battle with all there dinosaurs.  LG stole all well most of Kenny's dinosaurs.  Kenny needed a new best friend so he chose Rufus.  The Watson 's  went to Rufus's house.
                                Chapter 4
                                              Kenny's mom made Kenny and Joey to put on alot of stuff on.      Byron told them that people get froze on the street everyday and they get picked up by the garbage truck each day.  Larry Dunn was giving people at school Maytag washes to Kenny since Byron skipped school with Buphead now Larry Dunn was in charge.  Byron came and gave Larry Dunn a big whacken.  Larry Dunn didn't even cry because he was tough.

                                                              THE END

                                              BY ISAAC DOUGLAS SMITH

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963 prediction

               I think the Watsons go to Birmingham in 1963.  I think there last name is Watson.  I think they have 3 children.  They might be African Americans.  I believe that they have 5 people in their family.  It looks like they have 2 brothers and 1 sister. 


Friday, February 4, 2011

Chapters 9-10

Chapter 9
              Jamie and Claudia went to see Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler they thought since she was the person that sold the angel she would know about it.  She knew it was Claudia and Jamie that ran away from Greenwich by the paper.   They asked Mrs. Frankweiler if she knew anything about the statue.   They decided to make a deal and if they told her were they were hiding she would give them a hour to let them find out if Michelangelo.  They started eating then.      Jamie played a game of war against Mrs. Frankweiler. 
 Chapter 10
                 She kept the children up late recording the stuff they did the in the past week.   Then one of Mrs. Frankweiler helpers drove Claudia and Jamie home.  They said that they were going to come back and sleep over sometime.  There music caces were found and put in the lost and found and they are still there today. 
                                                            The End By Isaac D. Smith

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chapters 7-8

                Claudia suggested that they would rent a mail box at grand central station.  They thought that it would be too risky to deliver it by hand.  Jamie's third grade class was on a tour of the museum and Jamie wanted to go say hey but Claudia muzzled him before he could.  Then they went to the post office to deliver the letter Claudia told Jamie that if they asked you your name say Bruce or something like that.
                    Chapter 8
                                    On Tuesday they did there laundry again.  They went to the  U.N. to learn everything about it.  Then the museum wrote back to them.  They decided to go to Farmington Connecticut to visit Mrs. Basil .E. Frankweiler.    

Thursday, January 27, 2011


     There once was a class in 4th grade.
     They wanted to have a parade.
     They went down to the street.
     And got a big treat.
     Then the class was ready for the parade. 
                                                                        By Isaac .D. Smith

Friday, January 21, 2011

Los Angeles Lakers

The Lakers started out as the Saint Paul Minneapolis  Minnesota.  The lakers won championships in1948.  Minneapolis dominated the NBA from 1949 to 1954 winning four championships. There was one reason for this dominance.   He was a 6 foot 10 245 pound giant of a player named George Mikan.  They called him Mr. basketball.  The Lakers arch rivals the Boston Celtics won most of there meetings.  The Lakers won against the the new york Knicks to take the NBA crown.  The Lakers got Jerry West and Eglin Baylor.   Baylor was the NBA's leading point scorer for two straight years.  Then they got magic Johnson his real name was Earvin Johnson.  Magic had to leave the NBA because of a disease called HIV but he returned for the All star game and got awarded the all star MVP [Most valuable player].  Then Kobe Bryant was the second youngest NBA player to ever go to the NBA.  The Lakers won back to back championships in 2009 and 2010.                               

Chapters 5-6

     Chapter 5
                       Claudia and Jamie went to eat breakfast after they ate breakfast they went to the laundromat to get their underwear washed and other clothes.  They went to the library to see if the angel was made by Michelangelo.  Claudia said that Jamie shouldn't eat that chocolate on the counter because it might be poisoned.  They took a bath in the fountain of the restaurant.  They found coins at the bottom and got as many coins as they could they got $2.79.  They felt a little homesick when they got back to the bed.    
            Chapter 6 

                                They saw beer on the statue someone spilled beer on the top of it.  They found a letter M on the angel.  They went to the library to see what the mark was.  They found out that it was by Michelangelo and wrote a letter to the museum.  The guard got very few complaints that day.    
                                                              The End by Isaac. D. Smith

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The sun

      Planets orbit the sun in a oval shape.  The suns surface is 6000 degrees Celsius.  Our sun is a average size star.  The suns life span is 10 billion years.  The sun started out as a cloud of gas.  The sun is a gigantic ball of gasses.  The sun gives out tremendous amounts of energy and heat.  When the sun runs out of hydrogen fuel it will turn into a red giant.   The red giant will go to a supernova or a white dwarf.  The largest supernovas are turned into a neutron star.  A black hole is the last stage in a suns life.          

Friday, January 14, 2011


           Whales are mammals that live in the ocean.  There diet is krill and small fish.  Whales have a blowhole at the top of their bodies.  The biggest whale is a female blue whale.  There are some whales that eat meat and there are some that are herbivores.  The smallest whale is a narwhal whale.    


Chapters 3-4

Chapter 3   
      Jamie decided that he was going to take the first step as a treasurer by saying we will walk from here to the museum. They thought New york city was a great place to hide because nobody payed any attention to you.   Nearly a quarter of a million people visited the museum from Kansas and from England were they have lots of museums.   Claudia hid in the women's bathroom Jamie hid in the men's bathroom they would stay on top of the toilet so the night watchmen wouldn't find them.  
Chapter 4
          Jamie and Claudia went to buy breakfast in the morning.    They washed their hair and brushed their teeth.  Claudia and Jamie wanted to study everything in the museum. But Claudia did not know that their were over 360'000'000 paintings in the museum.  They hid all their stuff under drawer's and stuff like that.           

Friday, January 7, 2011

Chapters 1-2

Chapter 1 
     Claudia knew she could never pull of a old fashioned way of running away.   She wonted to run away to the metropolitan museum of of art in New York City.  She chose Jamie the second youngest of her three brothers.  He could count on him to be quiet for a while.  Claudia's allowance was so small it took her more than three weeks to by hot fudge.   Claudia got five cents taken out of her account if she broke the household rules.  Claudia's hot fudge expenses were forty cents per week.  Jamie played this card game with a friend named Bruce.  However gets the most cards by Friday gets money.       Chapter 2          Jamie found a list of instructions underneath his pillow . He tried eating it but that turned his teeth blue.  So he just tore it up and threw it in the trash.  They sneaked up  on the bus got on and never got off of the bus.  They sneaked out of the bus and went to the train station.                      The End               

By Isaac Smith

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

indianapolis colts

Colts started life as the Miami seahawks in the afl in 1957 in 1958 they moved from the afl to the nfl they changed cities from Miami to Baltimore.  They took the name colts.  They drafted jonney unites to there team.   The colts first super bowl they played was the new york giants it was 14 to 17 with two seconds left on the clock. Giants had the lead the colts kicker nailed a 56 yard field goal to tie it 17 to 17 the ref decided for the first time in nfl history the game would be decided by whoever scored the first points would win the super bowl .  The colts went all the way to there opponents 20 yard line colts were defiantly in field goal position but Unites didn't care he went for the touchdown and scored a touchdown the colts were champs for there first time ever.  The following year colts were in the super bowl again versing the new york giants again the colts won this one 35 to 10 colts were champs once again.  Colts were champs again in 2004  versing the Chicago bears colts won the game 29 to 17. In 2010 colts versed the saints they lost 31 17. The super bowl in 2012 will be in the lucas oil stadium.                                                               By Isaac D Smith