Thursday, April 14, 2011

The solar system

The sun is first the surface of the sun is 10000 degrees Fahrenheit.  It is named after Apollo.  Sunday is named in honer of the sun.  Our sun started out as a ball of gasses and turned into a yellow star.  A sun can live for 10 billion years scientist think our sun is around 4.6 and 4.5 billion years old.   The sun is 74 percent hydrogen 25 percent helium and 1 percent trace.  The sun has sunspots on its surface.  The suns core is 17000 degrees F.  The sun gives off solar flares.
           It can be 800 degrees F on Mercury.  It can be 300- F in the daytime.  One mercury day is 59 earth days.  One year is 88 days.  Mercury is the closest planet to the sun.  It is the second smallest planet.  It barley has any atmosphere.
               Venus is the second planet from the sun. It takes 225 days to go around the sun.  Venus days are 243 days long.  Venus has thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide.  Venus has no rings.  Venus is the hottest planet reaching up to 800 degrees F.  Venus is a inner planet.  Venus is the brightest planet.  Most of Venuses land is volcanoes.  Venus is the 4th smallest planet.  Venuses gravity is 0.91.  Venus is named after the roman goddesses Artie.
                Earth has no rings.  Earth has one satellite that is the moon.  Their is 7 continents on Earth North America South America Asia Australia Antarctica. Earth is the only planet to have life that we know of.  Earth is the only planet that has liquid water on its surface that we know of.  Earth is named after Gae.  Earths tallest point is Mt. Everest.
                 Mars is the fourth planet from the sun.  It is named after Ares the God of war.  Mars has the largest volcano in the solar system it raises up to 18 miles high.  Olympus Mons is long enough to reach from Chicago Illinois to LA California.  Mars is nicknamed the red planet because it looks like it is red.  Mars has sand dunes, tornadoes and polar ice caps like Earth.  
                            Asteroid Belt/Ceres  
              The asteroid belt are lots asteroids that travel around the sun.   They are between Mars and Jupiter.  It takes them 5 years to go around the sun.  They are made out of metal and rock.
                Ceres is in the middle of the asteroid belt.  It is now a dwarf planet.  It is the largest asteroid.  It is named after the goddesses of harvest.  
                 It is named after Zeus the king of Olympus.  Jupiter is the largest planet and twice as large as all the planets combined together.  It weighs more than all the planets weight combined.  It is made out of gasses and helium.  The great red spot is a large storm that has been raging for 300 years and three times the size of earth.  Jupiter has two rings.
                 Saturn has over 1000 rings.  It is named after Demeter.  It is about 75% hydrogen and 25% helium.  Saturn's degrees in its core is 12000k.  Saturn is the second largest planet behind Jupiter.  Saturn is tilt on its side.  Saturn has 53 moons. 
                 It is on its side.  It is made out of mostly methane.   It is the seventh planet from the sun.  It is 2.88 km away from the sun.  Its core is cooler than most planet.  A day on Uranus is about 17 h long.  It has 42 years daylight and 42 years of darkness.  It has rings.  It is the second lightest planet in the solar system.  It has 27 moons.
                  It is named after Poseidon the Roman Greek of the seas.  It is the 8th planet from the sun  sometimes.  It is made of mostly methane.  It has winds up to 2000/km.  It has a great dark spot with winds up to 700 miles per hour.  It has rings.  It has 14 rings.
                  It is named after Hades the ruler of the underworld.  Pluto has 3 moons.  It was discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tambaugh.  Pluto has not been visited yet.  It takes 248 years to go around the sun.  We do not no much about Pluto.
                 It is 10 billion miles away from the sun.  It takes 556 years to go around the sun.  It is in the kuiper belt system beyond Neptune.  It was discovered in 2003 and called a dwarf planet in 2006.  It is named after Eris the goddess of war and strike.  Its gasses are little but methane.
                         The Comet Halley Comet
                  It is in the Kuiper belt.  It takes 76 years to go around the sun once.  It was found by Edmond Halley. 
                  And that is the solar system. 
        The End

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